Monday, October 29, 2012

                                                                         Rachel Carson

As mankind has evolved towards science and technology and a world that runs on facts facts and facts, we have become increasingly dependent on facts to believe even the smallest things. Rachel Carson, in her book Silent Spring (1962), does an incredible job in providing strong factual information and opening our eyes towards harmful chemical agent use after WWII. Her degrees in science and the amount of knowledge her experience with nature provided gave her a concrete base to increase awareness regarding the slow death of nature and mankind. Throughout her book, Rachel has used multiple examples, scenarios, and scientific evidence to prove her point and to prove that a certain chemical is disastrous. I think this quality alone has made her a significant figure. Another important aspect of the book are the titles. Her titles like "Rivers of death", "Indiscriminately from the Skies" etc. create a strong impression on the reader and directly indicate the seriousness and intensity of the issues. Instead of just providing tables of data and other scientific evidence, Rachel narrates it all to make it easier for the reader rather than proving appendixes of huge data analysis that come might not even understand. In these ways, Rachel Caron's Silent Spring reached even the least educated common man.

Thank you,
Parth Patel